Our Philosophy

A strong America for everyone.

At the forefront of every AMM project is a commitment to electing Democrats and progressives candidates and moving the progressive agenda. We want our clients to win, because we believe they will help make the country stronger and more open to everyone.

We start with a solid understanding of campaign techniques guided by millions of previous conversations to design and develop unique and effective campaign plans. We understand how to incorporate new tools and technologies while not forgetting the purpose of the plan-to communicate with voters. Finally, we tweak each project throughout the campaign to adjust to changing environments and needs. 

We bring new and creative methods to breaking through typical barriers and getting to the hardest voters to reach.
Our focus is on conversations, not dials, because we believe in metrics that are meaningful to your campaign’s goals. The data captured is important but AMM’s calls are designed to interact with voters. 

The conversation is likely the most interaction the majority of voters will have with the campaign. It is important  that the conversation leaves a voter feeling acknowledged. 

We don’t just gather information accurately. We make it mean something. Something you can measure. AMM prides itself in collecting and returning accurate and high quality data in a form that allows campaigns to make real time decisions to maximize the impact of communication. Our data and knowledge makes all of the campaign tools more powerful.

What makes us different:

  • AMM has a long standing direct relationship with the phone centers and the people making the calls.  There are no brokers, middle men, or markup, and your calls aren’t sold on the open market to the lowest bidder.
  • AMM does not price per dial because you should measure the success of your phone program by conversations achieved through multiple passes to maximize reach.  Your budget should not be based on dials that yield no actionable data. 
  • Monitor calls in real time to ensure calls are running well and can make changes real time. 
  • No set up or hidden fees